Thursday 8 October 2020

Yesterday (5 Stars)

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to stay,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Until yesterday I looked forward to writing each blog post with excitement. By yesterday I mean until 18th September this year. "The Champion" was the last review that I could write with joy.

A few months ago Google announced a new interface for its Blogger software. I checked it out and didn't like the look of it, so I remained with the old interface that I've been using since 2010. After a while there was repeated nagging that I should migrate to the new version. The new version was even turned on for me, but I was able to turn it off and return to the old version, which Google quaintly calls the legacy version. I was having to turn off the new interface every day. On 18th September everything changed. The new version was turned on in the middle of editing a post, and I was unable to return to the legacy version.

I don't like the look of the new interface, because it's less simplistic than the old version, but I gritted my teeth and decided to use it. Immediately I stumbled across some software errors. One was fixed within a week. I'm still waiting for the others to be dealt with. There's one particularly nasty bug that makes my posts look messy when viewed on mobile phones. I can manually fix it by editing a post's HTML code, but the new Blogger software undoes my edits as soon as I make other changes. It's too silly for words.

The software bugs make it especially difficult to edit long posts. For that reason I'm going to suspend my series of Marvel Years posts until the more serious bugs have been fixed. After that I'll attempt one or two posts to see if it's feasible for me to continue.

I don't know what the future holds for my blog. I doubt I'll stop blogging, but I may reduce my writing to a minimum.


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