Sunday 18 October 2020

Night at the Museum (4 Stars)

Today I sat down to watch a film with my son Benjamin, who's visiting me this week. I shan't tell you what it was, because we were interrupted after less than two minutes, and we'll watch it again later this week, hopefully tomorrow. My grandson Oliver burst in and wanted to watch it with us, but it was inappropriate for someone his age. I wanted to throw him out of the room – gently, of course – but his mother (my daughter Gillian) said that if he really wanted to watch a film I should watch something suitable for him. I still had "Night at the Museum" lying on my desk after watching it two weeks ago, so it was the obvious choice.

I have to add, Oliver has never watched a film yet. He's started a few films, but he was never patient enough to finish. I thought I would give him a chance. I abandoned the as yet unnamed film and started "Night at the Museum". Oliver did well. He managed 45 minutes. He loved the chaotic scenes in the first night, especially when the monkey peed on Ben Stiller, but he got bored when the film slowed down again. Never mind. He left the room, so Benjamin and I watched the film to the end, even though we've both seen it before. A good film is always worth watching again. In fact, my definition of a good film is "a film that I want to watch at least three times".

I'm really glad that I watched it. Today I appreciated it even more than I did two weeks ago. I wonder how old Oliver will be before I can try to watch it with him again. Until then, maybe I can find a different film for him to watch. Maybe one of the old Disney animated films? It has to be something where there's action all the way, without any quiet lulls.

When the film was over, I asked Benjamin whether he wanted to watch "Dexter". Some of you might know what made me think about that series. He had never seen it, so he agreed, out of curiosity. I only wanted to watch one episode, the pilot, but he loved it so much that he insisted on watching a second episode. Benjamin will be with me all week, so I expect we'll watch the whole first season. Maybe more.

Success Rate:  + 3.2

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