Monday 15 March 2021

Lucy (4 Stars)

There are films I like. There are films I don't like. Then there's "Lucy". Today is the third time I've watched it, and it still puzzles me. It's not the film itself that puzzles me, it's my reaction to the film.

After the last two viewings, in 2014 and 2016, I remembered it as a great film. Then I began to watch it today, and I thought to myself, "It's not so good after all". It continued, and I began to like it more, but I still had mixed feelings. I just couldn't make my mind up.

Visually, it's a beautiful film. The colours are bright and appealing. Morgan Freeman's appearance as a university professor gives the film class. The Korean gangsters add action to the film. But I still have the feeling that it's all hollow inside.

The problem is that despite the high budget and lavish production, there's something intrinsically trashy about the film. It's a cheap B-Movie with big budget trappings. That's not bad in itself, but it makes the film unsettling. I can't decide how to rate it.

Lucy conquers time. She can travel backwards and forwards in time at will. I realised today for the first time what Lucy was doing with the monkey. She touched it to pass on her knowledge to it, copying the symbolism of "2001: A Space Odyssey". Effectively, she was creating mankind. Who needs God when you have Lucy?

I don't think "Lucy" is a film that everyone will like, but I still recommend that everyone should watch it at least once. Then leave a comment below and tell me what you think about it. It's a film I'd like to discuss.

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