Monday 8 March 2021

Virgin Psychics (5 Stars)

After a short pause I'm continuing with the countdown of my top 100 films. Please don't yell at me, I know I've skipped a number, but I haven't forgotten it. I'll get back to it soon. I'll just keep you in suspense for a few days.

I haven't received any feedback on my list yet. Maybe it's too early. My readers are still waiting for their favourite films to appear higher up in the list. When I finish the list and you see that your favourite films didn't get into my top 100, that's when I'll get the angry comments.

Sion Sono is my favourite director. He makes different kinds of films, but they're all very special. "Virgin Psychics" is his trashiest film, but I don't say that as a criticism. The story's premise is ridiculous, but it's also enthralling. A cosmic event envelops the small town of Toyohashi on the Japanese coast. It only lasts a few seconds. Everyone in the town who's a virgin and is masturbating at that moment is given superpowers. The film calls them psychic powers, but some of the powers go further. Most of the virgins are teenagers, including 17-year-old Yoshiro. He's given the power to read minds. He decides to use his powers for good, and he teams up with other like-minded virgins. There are others who want to use their powers for evil, such as Aiko Poinareff, who wants to destroy all of mankind and become the mother of a new human race.

Yoshiro has spent all his life searching for his one true lover, with whom he formed a bond when he was still in his mother's womb. He discovers that this is Aiko. He has to decide between finding true love and saving the world. That's a tough choice, and I'm saying that without the least irony.

Akiko has the power to paralyse women and make sexually active clones of her victims. She wants the townspeople (and all of Japan) to become too obsessed with sex to defend themselves against the coming apocalypse. Fortunately Julie has the power to turn the army of clones into blow-up sex dolls.

One of the film's biggest advantages is its cast of beautiful young women. There's no nudity, but they still look sexy. There are more upskirt shots in "Virgin Psychics" than in any film I've ever seen. Maybe I should sit and count the upskirt shots next time I watch the film.

Ami Tomite looks stunning as the evil Akiko.

Ai Shinozaki only plays a small role, but I'm always glad to see her.

There's a lot more eye candy in the film.

And there are many more beautiful girls who appear as extras in non-speaking roles.

This is yet another Japanese film that's only been released in Germany. There are no English subtitles. I'm so glad that I understand German.

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