Saturday 1 January 2022

Karen Mantler - 1.09 - Major Love

This is the ninth track of the album "My Cat Arnold", which was released in 1989.

Karen's vocals are in normal text.

The Man's vocals are in italics and indented.

Vocals by the group, including Karen, are in bold italics.

Major Love

Life's so cruel, why not end it all?
Birthdays just make you feel so old.
From now on birthday songs are sad.

Happy birthday!
    Hey, gee, thanks baby, I'm glad you went to all that trouble to write that for me.
I'm sorry,  I was just joking. Here's the real song.

When I woke up and saw the day
I was happy in a major way.
Happy birthday to you,
Here is a song just for you.

Sweet tunes are not that bad 
If they're for a guy you really love.
I would sacrifice the world for you
and major minor something too.

When we woke up and saw the day
We were happy in a major way.
Happy birthday to you,
Here is a song just for you.

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