Monday 23 January 2023

Marvel 1975.05 - Captain Marvel #38

Captain Marvel #38

Title: No Way Out!

Writer: Steve Englehart
Artist: Al Milgrom

Villain: The Watcher, Lunatic Legion

Regulars: Rick Jones

Flashbacks: Supreme Intelligence, Cotati, Skrulls

Captain Marvel is a captive of the Lunatic Legion. Their identity is finally revealed. They're a group of pure-blooded blue Kree. After thousands of years of intermarriage with other races, the majority of the Kree are now pink-skinned. The Lunatic Legion even rejects the Supreme Intelligence as a collection of impure minds. They've targeted Captain Marvel, because he's the most powerful Kree warrior. His destruction will send a message to all other pink-skinned Kree.

They call themselves the Lunatic Legion in remembrance of the 17 Kree who built a city on the Moon to prove their worthiness to the Skrulls. This story was told in Avengers #133 (two months ago), but the story is repeated here in less detail. One thing is done more correctly in this comic. In Avengers #133 the colourist Phil Rachelson wrongly gave the first Kree on the Moon pink faces. Klaus Janson puts it right. They're blue.

The Lunatic Legion have set up their base on the Moon in remembrance of their origins. They expected resistance from the Watcher, but he unexpectedly allied himself with them.

The Lunatic Legion subject Captain Marvel to protronic disintegration (TM). The Kree believe in reincarnation, so this manner of execution alters the brain patterns to prevent reincarnation. Whether this is actually the case is a question for philosophers, but what's indisputable is that it's extremely painful.

Captain Marvel escapes by accident. The three hours that he's able to remain in our universe have expired, so he's replaced by Rick Jones. The Lunatic Legion has no reason to kill Rick, so they carry him away to wait for Captain Marvel to return.

In the Negative Zone Captain Marvel awakes. Something is changing in him. It's a combination of his torture at the hands of the Lunatic Legion, the drug that Rick took last issue and the cosmic awareness that he was granted in Captain Marvel #29. He finds himself able to control Rick's unconscious body and slam his nega-bands together. He's now more powerful and can outfight the Lunatic Legion with ease. Moreover, rather than merely being connected with Rick Jones, he now feels that the two of them are one.

The last remaining member of the Lunatic Legion appeals to the Watcher for help, but he refuses. The Watcher confesses that he's committed a great crime. He presses a button that summons two more Watchers. Together, all three are teleported to an unknown location. Rick tells Captain Marvel to help the Watcher, so he impulsively leaps into the teleportation beam to follow him.

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