Wednesday 4 January 2023

The Purge: Election Year (4½ Stars)

Unlike in the previous two films, the exact date isn't given, but this film takes place at least 18 years after the first Purge, making it 2036 or later. I'm a hypocrite. I always complain about exact dates being named for films set in the future, but when no date is named I try to work it out.

The film's main character is Charlene Roan, a woman whose entire family was purged 18 years previously. She's gone into politics, hoping to become president and abolish the Purge. The ruling party, the NFFA (New Founding Fathers of America), doesn't want its work undone, so they want to kill her at the next Purge. To do this they've rescinded the rule that leading politicians aren't allowed to be harmed. This makes Charlene, now a Senator, a valid target.

Naturally, Senator Roan is in a highly secure building for Purge Night. The problem is that members of her staff have been bribed to open the doors and let in highly trained mercenaries. Her personal security guard is Leo Barnes, who appeared in the previous film as an unnamed ex-army sergeant. When her house is invaded, he takes her into the street to flee.

It's a chaotic night. Wives are killing their husbands, Russian tourists are killing Americans, and some girls just want candy bars.

Today I received complaints that I rated the first two Purge films too low. I always take complaints like that seriously. Even when I was writing my reviews I felt uneasy about my ratings. If I give a film, any film, a rating less than five stars, I have to justify what's wrong with it. I never change the ratings of reviews that I've already published, but I'll reconsider my ratings for the Purge films the next time I watch them. That's a promise.

Success Rate:  + 9.9

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