Saturday 28 January 2023

Snatched (4 Stars)

"Snatched" is a comedy film made in 2017, starring Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn. I admire Amy Schumer a lot, primarily for her real life personality, rather than her acting. On the other hand, in films like "Snatched" she's playing herself, so it's the real Amy we see. She's goofy, inappropriate and determined that the whole world should march to her drum. In other words, she's the sort of woman I could fall in love with.

Amy plays Emily Middleton, a single woman in her early 30's. She's dating a rock musician who dumps her in one of the opening scenes. Boo! Boo! Hiss! Hiss! The trouble is that she's booked a romantic trip to Ecuador, and she doesn't want to go by herself. She rings round all her friends, but they all have excuses, even though she offers the trip for free. Eventually Emily asks her mother, who also turns down the offer because she's paranoid. She lives her life in fear of being attacked, so she hardly leaves her house. She lives with her son, Emily's older brother, who spends all day at home playing computer games.

But Emily eventually persuades her mother, and off they go. It looks like paradise, even though Emily needs a lot of effort to persuade her mother to leave the hotel. Emily even meets an attractive young man who takes the two on a day trip. It's too good to be true. He's a member of a gang that kidnaps American tourists and sells them back for ransom. Emily is single and her mother is divorced, so the gangster Morgado demands $100,000 from Emily's brother. Puh-lease... how many Americans have that much money in their bank account?

The two women are driven into Colombia. They escape from the car trunk, and hit Morgado's nephew over the head with a shovel, accidentally killing him. She doesn't know her own strength. In a following fight she kills Morgado's son with a spear gun. Now it's personal. Morgado no longer wants to sell the women, he wants to kill them. The women flee, trying to reach the US Embassy in Bogota, with Morgado and his men in pursuit.

I love the film with its crazy comedy. Okay, the tapeworm scene is disgusting, apart from being totally infeasible. Can you really tempt a tapeworm to leave a person's body by holding a bloody steak in front of the mouth? That scene alone made me want to lower my rating to 3½, but I'll be generous and leave it at 4.

No, the gangsters don't keep their captives naked. In this scene they're playing strip poker while escaping by boat. But they can't keep their hands on their breasts all day. They have to hold their cards.

"This is another fine mess you've gotten me into!"

In a more innocent scene, Emily/Amy shows how to take a good selfie. I've never mastered the art of selfies. I can't smile. I have to concentrate on getting the pose just right, and the concentration turns my face into a grimace.

To keep Amy Schumer's fans happy, here are a few more screenshots. She looks amazing!

And she can even manage a double selfie.

She makes mommy smile. Being hugged by Amy Schumer might make me smile as well. But I can't guarantee it.

I realise this isn't a film for everyone. The zany humour isn't everyone's taste, but I love it. Apart from the tapeworm. I need to fast forward over that the next time I watch it.

Success Rate:  - 0.6

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