Friday 6 January 2023

The Forever Purge (4½ Stars)

The third Purge film could have been the last film in the  series. The NFFA (New Founding Fathers of America) lost the election and the Purge was cancelled. But if there's one thing we can rely on, it's that the electorate is always fickle. The NFFA have been voted back into power, and their first announcement is that the Purge will be reinstated.

The last films showed the poor being murdered in the Purge. "The Forever Purge" shows a different emphasis. It's set in Texas,  and patriotic Americans are using the Purge to kill illegal immigrants. They say they want to rid the country of anyone who isn't American. They don't see the irony in their words. The Mexicans who cross the border are related to the native Americans who lived in Texas, so they have more right to be in the land than the European settlers.

But there's another change in this film. For many people one day a year isn't enough for a Purge. A movement has arisen calling itself the Ever After Purge. Its members believe that they should be allowed to kill anyone they want all year round. The NFFA is forced to send troops in to restore order. One day a year is manageable, but if people are killing one another all year round, it's impossible for society to function. Law and order needs to be maintained.

Burning crosses outside churches is something despicable. I've never understood how Christians can reconcile racism with their religion. What I mean is, I can understand people being racist. There are bad people everywhere, and they hate anyone who looks different. But how can someone who calls himself a Christian be a racist? Hasn't he read the Bible? A lot of my friends are against Christianity, and they point at Christian bigotry as the reason for disliking Christianity. It's a sad state of affairs when the words "Christian" and "bigotry" are put side by side.

This is a better picture. A cross surrounded by flowers in the field outside a church.

Success Rate:  + 2.3

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