Friday 25 November 2022

Marvel 1975.03 - Avengers #133

Avengers #133

Title: Yesterday and Beyond

Writer: Steve Englehart
Artist: Sal Buscema

Avengers: Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch

Regulars: Mantis, Moondragon, Agatha Harkness

Guests: Immortus, Libra, Swordsman (ghost), Human Torch

This issue is jam-packed with various unrelated and only partially related stories, arguably too much for a mere 18 pages. Steve Englehart's brain is overflowing with ideas that he wants to share.

In the Avengers Mansion the Scarlet Witch is beginning to master witchcraft, building upon her mutant hex powers.

In Saigon the hooded figure reveals himself to be Libra, the escaped member of the Zodiac gang. He claims to be the father of Mantis.

Moondragon is flying through space, heading towards the Avengers Mansion.

Immortus is still with the Avengers in Limbo. He offers to show Vision and Mantis the secrets of their past. He sends Vision back in time to 1939 to witness the creation of the Human Torch.

Immortus sends Mantis, Thor, Iron Man and Hawkeye back thousands of years to see the Kree homeworld, Hala. Half of the planet is occupied by the Kree, still a primitive race. The other half is occupied by the Cotati, intelligent plants. They witness the first visit of the Skrulls, who were a peaceful race. Dorrek, the Skrull emperor, offers to share Skrull technology with the inhabitants of Hala, but only with one of the two races. They are to be tested to see which race is worthy.

17 Kree and 17 Cotati are each sent to an uninhabited planet for one year. The race that achieves the most will receive Skrull technology. The Kree are sent to the Earth's Moon. The Skrulls create an artificial atmosphere, and the Kree spend the year building a magnificent city. This is the Blue Area of the Moon, the habitat of the Watcher, as first seen in Fantastic Four #13. The Cotati are sent to another small planet, where they build a beautiful garden. The Skrulls are more impressed with the Cotati's achievements, so the Kree wage war on the Cotati and kill them all.

What does all this have to do with Mantis? Wait till next issue to find out.

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