Sunday 20 November 2022

Masha and the Bear 1.7.3 - The Foundling

This episode was first broadcast on 7th August 2012. It introduces a new character, but this time it's special. The character is introduced on the day of his birth!

Masha finds an egg in Bear's garden.

She brings it inside to ask Bear what it is.

Bear has never seen an egg like it.

So he consults a book in an attempt to identify it. That's how people did things before there was an Internet.

There's the answer. It's a penguin egg. What the book doesn't explain is how the egg came from the Antarctic to Russia.

Masha tells Bear to incubate the egg between his legs,

And they wait. And wait. Bear is getting bored.

Eventually the penguin breaks out of the egg.

He immediately recognises Bear as his father. I just checked on the Internet (not in a book!) Male penguins incubate the eggs, so the series is accurate. I've learnt something new.

The penguin needs a name. How about Penguin?

Penguin sits down to eat. Masha joins him. She wants to be Penguin's big sister.

So this is what penguins eat. Fish shaped biscuits? That's something else I need to check on the Internet.

Bear puts a little swimming pool in the garden for Penguin. Masha enjoys it as well.

Penguin also likes music, so Bear keeps him entertained.

Days and weeks pass. The temperature rises, and the water evaporates.

The only place to keep cool is in the freezer. Penguin likes it, but it's too cold for Masha. She should think again about keeping him company all the time.

Bear fetches them out. Masha is happy, but Penguin doesn't like it. Something has to be done.

Bear calculates the distance to the Antarctic. Clever Bear!

He gets his model plane out of the cupboard.

And off Penguin flies. Does Bear really think the engine is strong enough to take it that far?

A few weeks later Bear gets mail.

Penguin has sent a photo. He arrived safely, and he's built himself a house that's a copy of Bear's tree house, made of ice. So all's well that ends well.

Or maybe not. The next day Masha finds another egg in the garden.

The End... or is it the Beginning?

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