Thursday 24 November 2022

Marvel 1975.02 - Avengers #132

Avengers #132

Title: Kang War II

Writer: Steve Englehart, Roy Thomas
Artist: Sal Buscema

Avengers: Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Hawkeye

Villain: Kang, Rama-Tut, Immortus, Legion of the Unliving (Frankenstein Monster, Wonder Man, Original Human Torch, Midnight, Ghost, Baron Zemo)

Regulars: Mantis

Guests: Swordsman (ghost)

The newly summoned Legion of the Unliving follows Kang into battle, with the exception of the  Frankenstein Monster. He's the only one who isn't under Kang's control.

The Avengers were separated when they arrived in the Labyrinth of Limbo. There's a brief battle between Thor and the Frankenstein Monster, but Thor lets him leave when he realises that he's no danger.

Back in Saigon, a mysterious hooded figure speaks to the ghost of the Swordsman. He says that he's the one who summoned the Swordsman.

Wonder Man, the Human Torch and Baron Zemo attack the Vision. When he realises that they can't be harmed by his solar energy blasts, he flees through the labyrinth's walls.

Midnight attacks Mantis. She has no interest in battle, so she flees.

Hawkeye and Iron Man meet while wandering through the labyrinth. Wonder Man and the Human Torch attack them. Iron Man sends Hawkeye away to find the others. The Human Torch grabs Iron Man, and his heat melts the circuits in his armour. He falls to the floor dead.

The Ghost finds Mantis, but he walks away from her. Kang has instructed that she isn't to be harmed. Then Vision attacks the Ghost. Vision's powers don't work against the Ghost, because his body is unsolid. The Ghost's hand enters Vision's body, and he screams with pain. Mantis hears the scream. When she reaches Vision, she finds him dying.

Giant-Size Avengers #3

Title: What Time hath put asunder!

Writer: Steve Englehart, Roy Thomas
Artist: Dave Cockrum

Avengers: Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch

Villain: Kang, Rama-Tut, Immortus, Legion of the Unliving (Frankenstein Monster, Wonder Man, Original Human Torch, Midnight, Ghost, Baron Zemo), Libra

Regulars: Mantis, Jarvis

This month there are two Avengers comics, so I've combined them into a single review. I just have one word of complaint. Giant-Size Avengers #3 is a continuation of Avengers #132, but Marvel's giant-size comics weren't sold in England in 1975. That means I was unable to read the end of the story until years later.

Mantis finds Vision on the point of death. He tells her that the Ghost also perished in their recent clash. She's interrupted by Midnight, who attacks her again. She says she thought Kang wanted her to be unharmed, but Midnight says that he's no longer under Kang's control and wants to kill her. She defeats Midnight, but when she looks around she sees that the Vision's lifeless body has disappeared.

Meanwhile, Kang's control of Baron Zemo is weakening. The two are arguing.

Thor finds Iron Man dead and swears revenge.

The dawn star is still above the Avengers Mansion, and a large crowd has gathered to look at it. Jarvis is given a message by the police commissioner that the Avengers are needed. Libra has escaped from jail, and the police fear that he'll free the rest of the Zodiac gang. The only Avenger in the Mansion is the Scarlet Witch, but she shouts at him angrily when he asks for her help.

The Frankenstein Monster carries Vision's body to Wonder Man and the Human Torch. The Torch examines the body and recognises it as his own body.

Thor finds Kang alone and defeats him in battle. Wonder Man joins the fight, and Kang escapes.

Hawkeye finds the chamber where Immortus and Rama-Tut are imprisoned. Hawkeye wants to free them, but he's attacked and disabled by Baron Zemo with his adhesive X. (I bet you'd forgotten about that from Avengers #6).  Immortus tells Zemo he can help him. While Zemo is distracted, Hawkeye fires an arrow with his feet that frees Immortus and Rama-Tut. Immortus destroys Zemo with a wave of his hand.

The Human Torch has revived the Vision, using his knowledge of his own body. The Vision's left arm is broken, but he's otherwise mobile. He defeats Wonder Man in battle. Thor engages Kang once more, and Kang flees back to his own time.

Immortus reveals that he's yet another future version of Kang. He sends the members of the Legion of the Unliving back to their own times. He repairs the Vision's arm. He also brings Iron Man back to life. Immortus promises to reveal how the Human Torch became the Vision.

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