Tuesday 22 November 2022

The Debt Collector 2 (4 Stars)

This is a sequel to "The Debt Collector", which I watched yesterday. I doubt a sequel was intended when it was made, because Sue (the blond man) was killed at the end of the first film. Now he's back, telling everyone that he died twice, but he was revived by the miracles of modern medicine. As a result of his (near) death experience he's sworn off violence and alcohol.

French (affectionately called Frenchie) is working in a bar as security. It doesn't pay as well as debt collecting, but it's enough to pay the bills. His martial arts studio isn't mentioned, so I assume he's given it up. Sue arrives and tells French that Tommy has some more debts that he needs collected. Three jobs in two days, and they'll be paid $70,000 to split between them. Not bad.

Then the complications start. The first job is to collect money from Sue's ex-girlfriend. The second job involves collecting money from a boxing school, which means even more fights than usual. And then there are two tough guys trailing them, supposedly making sure that they don't keep the money they collect for themselves. That's what they say.

Once more, it's a reasonable B-Movie. I enjoyed watching it, but I shan't watch it again. If you have a Netflix account, it's a good way to spend 90 minutes of your life.

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