Monday 28 November 2022

Marvel 1975.04 - Doctor Strange #7

Doctor Strange #7

Title: The Demon Fever!

Writer: Steve Englehart
Artist: Gene Colan

Villain: Umar, Dormammu, Orini

Guests: Scarlet Witch (flashback)

Regulars: Clea, Wong

I can still remember when I first bought the series of Doctor Strange comics that I'm reviewing now. They were the best comics I'd ever read, and they still haven't been bettered. What bothered me is that Doctor Strange was a bi-monthly series, i.e. the comics were only published once every two months. It was so frustrating having to wait so long for the next comic. When the new comic arrived I read it over and over again, savouring every detail.

Clea has been foolhardy enough to descend into the Earth in response to Mother Nature's plea for help. She finds Dormammu at the Earth's core, not yet at full strength, but growing stronger hour by hour. Dormammu was destroyed when the Scarlet Witch hexed the Evil Eye in Avengers #118, causing him to be sucked into Loki's brain. As he explains:

"I was annihilated, but Dormammu can never die, for Dormammu is a concept, a shared belief among all who know me. For as long as others worship me, energy shall form itself to become me. The masses' cry of Dormammu becomes Dormammu. Thus came my flame to reappear over my throne mere hours later. Though small at that point, I summoned my less powerful sister Umar and directed her, in exchange for future dominion over my realm, to transport my glowing essence to Earth's dimension".

He continues, "As you know so well, Dormammu once swore to Doctor Strange that he would never invade the Earth again; the previous Dormammu, that is. I maintain that I, with honour, may disregard any pledges made in a previous existence. When Umar placed me in the inferno at the core of this planet to nurture my fiery reformation, a new life began for Dormammu".

The promise was made in Strange Tales #141, and he's kept it until now. 

Dormammu orders his minions to destroy Clea, but Mother Nature distracts them by causing a volcano to erupt. Clea flees back to Doctor Strange's sanctum sanctorum in Greenwich Village. An army of Dormammu's followers attacks the house, but Clea is strong enough to drive them away. She tells Wong that she'll join Doctor Strange in the Dark Dimension.

In the Dark Dimension, Doctor Strange meets and battles Umar. He defeats her, but her servant Orini strikes him down when his back is turned. Umar places him beneath the Guranthic Guardian, which will steal his knowledge and his will. Then she boasts that she'll overthrow Dormammu when he least expects it.

Doctor Strange is saved by the Eye of Agamotto, acting on a previously given command. It's too late. Orini challenges him again, and he's forgotten how to defend himself. Clea arrives, but she's unable to help Doctor Strange. Orini is her father, and she has to obey him as a dutiful daughter.

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