Monday 28 November 2022

Masha and the Bear 1.8.3 - No Trespassing

This episode was first broadcast on 16th September 2010.

Masha is out catching butterflies while Bear and Rabbit are working in the garden. I'm sure you can spot Rabbit, can't you?

Bear is wondering what to plant in his garden. How about horseradish?

Rabbit has a better suggestion. Better for Rabbit, at least.

So they get to work.

A few days pass, and Rabbit measures the carrots.

They're already 20 centimeters. That's a lot, isn't it? It depends on what you're used to.

Bear wants more. He wants big carrots that he can be proud of.

At night Bear dreams about giant carrots.

But Rabbit isn't that patient. He's in the garden swallowing the carrots, 20 centimeters at a time.

Bear wakes up and chases Rabbit away. He guards the carrots for the rest of the night.

Or maybe not. In the morning Masha finds him asleep in the garden, and the carrots are gone.

Bear plants more carrots.

He asks Masha to guard the carrots for him.

At first she refuses, but then he gives her a soldier's hat. It's every girl's dream to be in the Russian army.

Rabbit sneaks in again, planning to steal all the carrots at once. But what's that poking him in the back?

"Hands up, naughty Rabbit!"

She chases Rabbit through the garden and the house. It's a sight too horrible for words. When Bear wakes up from his afternoon nap he finds everything in ruins. He fires Masha as his guard.

At night Rabbit returns to gather carrots.

But there's a terrifying scarecrow.

Not just one, there are three!

And even more! Rabbit won't be coming back any time soon. Bear will soon find out whether the carrots will grow bigger than 20 centimeters. But you and I will never know the answer, because it's

The End.

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