Thursday 24 November 2022

Wake of Death (2 Stars)

Sun Quan is a Hong Kong drug dealer. When his wife tells him that she wants to leave him, he slits her throat. Unfortunately, their daughter Kim witnesses it. She runs away and hides in the docks. By chance, she sees a ship loading people into crates, so she joins them. The ship sails to Los Angeles. The illegal immigrants are discovered and taken into custody, with the exception of Kim. A social worker, Cynthia Archer, talks to her and finds out her life is in danger if she returns to Hong Kong, so she takes her home to keep her safe.

Sun Quan is a very influential man. He tracks Kim to Los Angeles and wants to kill her as the only witness of the murder he's committed. In his first attempt he kills Cynthia, but Kim escapes. Cynthia's husband Ben (Jean-Claude Van Damme) sets out to take revenge.

I don't understand how Jean-Claude Van Damme has become so successful. He's a good fighter, but his acting is so bad that it's embarrassing. Remind me to never watch another of his films again. Lisa King, the actress who plays Cynthia, is just as bad, but she has the excuse that it was only her second film. It was also her last film, proving that there's some justice in the world. It's a film that should never have been made.

I'm watching too many bad films while I'm on holiday. I can't wait to get home, back to my Blu-ray collection.

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