Thursday 10 November 2022

Masha and the Bear 1.6.2 - Hokus Pokus

This episode was first broadcast on 17th August 2012.

It's raining in the forest. The opening scenes have such incredible artwork that I felt tempted to include 20 or more screenshots from the first ten seconds. Tempted, but my common sense has prevailed. The picture above is Bear's house.

And this is Masha's house.

I'm surprised nobody has commented on the large number of screenshots in my posts about "Masha and the Bear". In theory I could write a review of each episode with only one or two screenshots, but I'm so overwhelmed by the artwork that I have to include more. Can you forgive me?

Bear looks out at the rain.

But he's not sad. On the contrary, the rain gives him an opportunity to stay in with a good book.

"The Monster from the Zoo"! Is that a Steven King novel?

Maybe not, but it's a thrilling book that terrifies Bear.

Then there's a bolt of lightning, a crack of thunder, and a terrible figure appears at the door!

Well, maybe the picture doesn't scare you, but Bear is in the middle of his novel, so the shock makes him fly in the air.

After he's recovered from his fright, Bear puts Masha in front of the fire to dry out, and he gives her a good book to read.

It's called "Hat Tricks For Dummies", but the name doesn't adequately describe what's in the book. It should be "Magic Tricks For Dummies".

Bear used to be a magician in the circus, alongside his many other acts. He still has his trunk of magical paraphernalia. The trunk is called "Hocus Pocus", which has given this episode its title, though spelt differently.

The book has told Masha what she needs to perform magic. She doesn't just take out a hat. She also finds a magic wand.

Masha casts a spell on a ball.

The spell works, though not the way she expected. Don't worry, her next spell brings it back to normal. She runs around Bear's living room casting spells, making things grow and shrink again. Bear doesn't even notice, because he's engrossed by his book.

After doing various other tricks, Masha pulls a bunny out of the cloak. But a second bunny comes out. And a third.

Soon they're all over the room. Bear can't concentrate on his book any more.

Bear suggests that Masha should make him disappear. Does he trust her?

Masha shuts the door, shouts "Hocus Pocus", and he's gone.

She shouts "Hocus Pocus" again, and he's still gone.

Clever Bear! He's hiding in his magic trunk reading his book.

But he's underestimated Masha's magic skills. She shouts "Hocus Pocus" again, and he's ripped out of the magic trunk. He tumbles through a wormhole in space.

He falls to Earth, followed by the contents of his trunk.

He lands somewhere in the Arctic Circle.

But there's nothing to worry about. He still has his book. Peace at last.

But if there's one thing we've learnt from this series, it's that there's no peace for Bear. Masha finds him and wants to play. He shouts in frustrated anger.

The End.

Just one more picture. Masha must have used magic to go to Bear, because she's turned into an Eskimo. Her hair is black. But isn't she the cutest little Eskimo girl you've ever seen?

Now it really is the end!

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