Friday 1 January 2021

Blutjunge Verführerinnen 3 (4½ Stars)

This is Ingrid Steeger's sixth Swiss film, made in 1973. I ended 2020 with Ingrid Steeger, and I've started 2021 with Ingrid Steeger. That's an appropriate tribute. She was one of the greatest actresses of the 1970's. She may have been forgotten since then, but her true fans still fondly remember her films. She's now 73, and I hope she accidentally stumbles on this blog. I want her to have a warm feeling when she reads that I still think about her.

The film was released in America as "Young Seducers 3", but a more accurate translation is "Underage Seducers 3". In an interview shortly before his death, the film's director, Erwin C. Dietrich, said that "Blutjunge Verführerinnen 3" was put together from unused footage from the first two films. I don't see that. This doesn't look like a throwaway patchwork film. I consider it the best film in the series. If anything, it was the second film that lost track of itself. This film returns to the original concept of sexually aggressive schoolgirls. Every girl in this film is presented as a schoolgirl, even though none of them look like schoolgirls. For instance, Ingrid Steeger was 26 when she made the film. 

The film begins with a schoolgirl running away from a boarding school, the Sankt Georgen Stift. It's a Catholic school that looks more like a prison than a school, but she manages to climb out of a window and over the wall. The girl's name is Babsi, but I'll call her Ingrid, because it's the wonderful Ingrid Steeger who's playing the role. She hitches a ride from an older man. He refuses to tell her his name, so she calls him Bluebeard. Wasn't that a serial killer who killed women? It's strange that she should pick that name.

Ingrid flirts furiously with Bluebeard as they drive away. He accuses her of being sex mad, but she says that the other girls in her school are worse. She tells him five stories about girls in her school. Ah ha! The usual vignette system! And this time Ingrid is telling the tales. Wonderful!

1. The first girl Ingrid talks about is Linda. She spent her summer holiday on a farm, plucking grapes in the vineyard. Do you see what I mean about the age of the actresses? There's no way I can accept her as a schoolgirl. She seduces the farmer's son, Flori.

Linda's attitude towards Flori is amazing. "Flori isn't very handsome. He's not sexy. If I'm honest, he's very stupid. I think I'm in love with him". It's a shame that the secretary from the last film isn't there to tell the scriptwriter that this is a bad script. To add a few of Flori's other qualities, which Linda hasn't listed here: he's a virgin, he has bad teeth and he stutters. Nobody can help him with his teeth or his stutter, but Linda takes his virginity.

2. Next we see Brunhilde, in the events leading up to her parents sending her to the boarding school. She's supposed to be 15? If all 15-year-olds looked like that, I'd have been thrown in prison years ago.

Ingrid said that the other girls are worse than her, but here we see it's not true. Brunhilde has a boyfriend, an older man. Of course! She says that she wants to remain a virgin until she's married, so she restricts herself to riding a rocking horse naked while her boyfriend watches. Her parents find them naked, and they assume they're doing more. Despite Brunhilde's protests that it's completely innocent, she's sent to the boarding school.

3. Viola also spent her summer break on a farm. She follows a farm worker into the woods and tells him she wants sex with her. He replies that he doesn't need a young girl, because he can have as many women as he wants. When she undresses, he changes his mind fast. He can't resist her.

Could any man resist a schoolgirl like this? But then again, I've never seen a schoolgirl like this. Do they even exist?

4. Lore (15) and Heidi (16) are two girls who are closer than sisters. They spend all their summer breaks together. They're nicknamed The Twins, even though they're unrelated and Heidi is a year older. While they're out cycling, they find a man whose car has broken down. Lore invites him back to her home to phone the nearest car repair shop. Heidi cycles home. Lore gives the man the telephone number, but it's actually the number of Heidi's house. She tells the man that all the mechanics are out on jobs, and his car can't be repaired until the next day.

While the man is on the phone, Lore undresses. The man forgets all about his important business meetings. Wouldn't you? Lore's parents must be away, because she goes to bed and has sex with the man all night. Not quite all night. At 4 am he falls asleep, so Lore sneaks out and rings Heidi. "I'm tired and I'm worried he'll want more when he wakes up. Can you take over?" Heidi cycles to Lore's house. She doesn't wait for the man to wake up. She wakes him straight away, and the sex continues.

5. 15-year-old Nadja is at a motocross rally. Note that she's standing, not sitting like everyone else. She's trying to attract attention. After the race she goes to the hotel where the winner is staying. He's forgotten to lock the door, so she goes in, gets undressed and lies naked on the bed. She tells him that she's the special prize for the winner.

Can he resist? Of course not. There's no doubt about who's in charge. She throws him on the floor, and she's soon bouncing up and down on top of him. I've never known any 15-year-old girls like her. But then again, I doubt the actress is a day under 25.

Now comes the part which I like the most. Bluebeard takes Ingrid to a restaurant in Regensdorf. He buys her a drink – isn't she underaged? – and then says he finally wants to know about her. The last half hour of the film is all about Ingrid. This is by far the sexiest segment of the film. Or am I just biased because I like Ingrid Steeger?

This isn't the first time she's run away from the school. The last time she got a job as a nude model at the Zurich Academy of Art. She says that the men were fantasising about her when they should have been painting. That's understandable.  She relates the fantasies of three of the men. How did she know what they were thinking?

The first man daydreamed that she was a prostitute, but she loved him so much that she paid him for sex. That's something that can only happen in fantasies.

The second man daydreamed that they were sitting naked on his bed looking at a book with erotic photos. While looking he imagined that they were having sex. So this was a fantasy about a fantasy?

The third man daydreamed that Ingrid was naked in his room, but every time he tried to touch her she disappeared like a fairy.

Ingrid had a boyfriend in Zurich, a married man. They couldn't go to his house, so they drove out of the city and had sex in the car in the woods. A forester walks by and writes down the number plate. Her boyfriend is afraid that he'll report the car to the police, so he asks Ingrid to go to his hut and seduce him.

Ingrid heads off to do her task.

Ingrid finds the hut and strips for action.

Do you like what you see, Mr. Forester?

It's all yours, big boy!

You've never seen action like this before!

Ingrid doesn't want to leave. She finds the forester much better than young men. Although by her definition, young men are anyone under 40.

But the romance was never to be. She was sent back to school by the police.

Bluebeard checks into a hotel for the night. It's been a long drive, and he's exhausted. He wants to sleep, but Ingrid has other plans. He's going to have a long, hard night.

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