Saturday 16 January 2021

Rocketman (5 Stars)

The text on this poster says it all. Taron Egerton isn't just playing Elton John, he's become Elton John. That was obvious as soon as he took over the singing of "Saturday Night is Alright for Fighting". I wasn't even sure whether it was Elton's voice being dubbed. When Rami Malek played Freddie Mercury in "Bohemian Rhapsody" his voice had to be over-dubbed in some scenes, but Taron Egerton did it all himself.

I've never considered myself an Elton John fan, but I remember listening to his songs on the radio of my school's sixth form common room. His songs had something special about them which was missing in other pop stars at the time. Yes, he was a pop star. The film's claims that he played rock'n'roll aren't true.

Why is it that pop stars so often become addicted to drugs? Is it because they have too much money and too much time on their hands? Whatever the reason, drugs are destructive. The only drug recognisable in the film is cocaine, but Elton claims to have taken every drug known to man. Some drugs are allegedly helpful if taken under medical supervision, but self-medicating is always harmful.

The film is stunning, and it shows why Taron Egerton is one of my favourite actors.

Success Rate:  + 2.9

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