Wednesday 20 January 2021

Chappie (5 Stars)

Sometimes I don't understand myself. I've watched this film four times and only given it 4½ Stars each time. There's usually a reason why I deduct half a star from an otherwise perfect film. In this case, I don't remember what it was. This is a beautiful film about a robot that crossed over and became conscious. His artificial intelligence was advanced enough to be called real intelligence. Is that something that's possible in my lifetime? Maybe, maybe not. The goal is to create artificial intelligence that doesn't just imitate natural intelligence, it has to act, think and reason just like a human being. The example given by Chappie's creator is that an intelligent robot would be able to look at a painting and be able to say whether it likes it or not. My example is that an intelligent robot would be able to watch films and write my blog for me. That would be fascinating.

Chappie, the police robot that's given artificial intelligence, starts from the beginning. He has to learn how to talk. He has to learn moral values. He learns (as a necessity) what it is to have people lying to him. Yolandi loves Chappie as if she were his mother, and she wants him to grow up and live a decent life. Ninja wants Chappie to become a gangster and make lots of money. Which way will he develop?

The film should have been the first part of a trilogy. It's sad that the plans for the other two films have been abandoned. Several hooks were added for a sequel. "Chappie" has enough potential to lay the groundwork for first class sequels.

Success Rate:  + 0.1

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