Monday 25 January 2021

Steve Jobs (5 Stars)

I chose to watch this film today deliberately. Last week it was on a short list of films that I was considering adding to my top 100 films list. I decided against it and only added "Kick-Ass". I realise now that I made a mistake. "Steve Jobs" is a film that should have been in the list, not at the bottom, but somewhere in the top 50.

I like Michael Fassbender as an actor. I've admired him ever since I first saw him as the fallen angel Azazeal in "Hex". His portrayal of Magneto in the X-Men films is stunning. I've never liked a bad guy so much. He steps up and gives a stunning performance as Steve Jobs in this film. There are probably other actors who look more similar to Steve Jobs in their facial appearance, but Fassbender captures his mannerisms and traits so perfectly that we can believe he really is Steve Jobs before our eyes.

The film is a play in three acts. We see Steve Jobs presenting new products in 1984, 1988 and 1998. We don't see anything of his childhood and very little of his early business years. That isn't the film's intention. It shows his relationship with his daughter and his business colleagues, especially John Sculley and Steve Wozniak. At the three presentations the same characters arrive to speak with him, most of it arguing. The film is well crafted in not demanding any technical knowledge from the viewers. My good friend Emma Roberts refused to see it in the cinema because she said she knew nothing about computers. That was a mistake. She would have enjoyed it as much as me.

As I've pointed out in my previous reviews, the whole film is spent in character development. In a normal film the character development comes first, and then the action. This is a film that doesn't need action. It's a talkie. From the very first scene Steve Jobs is involved in conversations with the people around him. The film is so intense in its lack of action that I had tears in my eyes at the end.

Success Rate:  - 0.9

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