Monday 18 January 2021

Rush Hour (5 Stars)

I'm moving on to the next film in my top 100 films list. Comparing the first two films alone should be enough to show that my taste in films can't be pigeon holed. "Bella Martha" is a slow-moving family drama, whereas "Rush Hour" is a fast-paced action thriller.

"Rush Hour" is a perfect buddy cop movie. Two policemen from different cultures with different styles unite to solve a big crime. That's a formula that's been repeated many times over, but I don't think it's ever been done as successfully as in "Rush Hour". Yan Lee (Jackie Chan) is a serious detective from Hong Kong. James Carter (Chris Tucker) is a reckless, fast-talking detective in the Los Angeles Police Department. They team up to search for the daughter of the Chinese consul in Los Angeles. She's been kidnapped on the way to school and is being held to ransom for $50 million. Chinese diplomats must have a lot of money!

The consul insists that Lee should join the investigation, but the FBI wants to handle the case by themselves. Carter is assigned to babysit Lee and keep him away from the action. Lee refuses this, and Carter has to follow Lee around as he solves the case more quickly than the incompetent FBI. The comedy is non-stop, and the kung fu action is just as humorous. It's an incredible film.

"Rush Hour" was made in 1998 and is the first film of a trilogy. The other two films are almost as good, but they haven't made their way into my top 100 list. Maybe I should have made it a top 200 list. I'll watch the other two films soon to see if I made a mistake.

Success Rate:  + 5.4

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