Friday 22 January 2021

Rush Hour 2 (5 Stars)

The second film in the Rush Hour trilogy was released in 2001, three years after the first film, although the action takes place only a few days after the end of the first film. Detective Yan Lee (Jackie Chan) has returned home to Hong Kong, while Detective James Carter (Chris Tucker) is also in Hong Kong on holiday. Carter's main interest is in meeting sexy Chinese girls. There's nothing wrong with that, but the sexiest girl that he meets is Hu Li (Zhang Ziyi), who would rather kill him than kiss him.

The film is about an ex-cop who's become a gangster. He's acquired original printing plates for US dollars that can make money that's indistinguishable from the real thing. It's being laundered via a Las Vegas casino, the Red Dragon. It's the perfect plan. The casino receives millions of dollars every week, and it pays out millions as well, so the fake notes just have to be swapped for the good notes.

As in the first film, there are a lot of inappropriate jokes that border on racism. I'm surprised that people still have enough of a sense of humour to accept the jokes today, 20 years later. Everyone is becoming more politically correct, although I prefer to call them uptight.

This film isn't in my top 100 films list, but maybe it should be. Watching it today, it seems every bit as good as "Rush Hour". It's a matter of taste. Both films are a mix of action and comedy, but in the second film the comedy is more in the foreground. I need to figure out a way to add extra films to my Top 100 without removing any films that are already in the list.

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