Monday 24 April 2023

Artificial Intelligence Artwork, Day 3

Here are a few more pictures that I've generated using artificial intelligence. My biggest problem is that I want to generate a series of pictures of the same girl in the same clothes in different poses, but the computer insists on changing the clothes. For instance, the boots change colour from red to blue. I need to experiment with the software to get more consistency. Here are a few pictures of a girl I call Eve, hanging out in a church.

I made these pictures last week before the film festival started. Actually, I made a lot more pictures, more than 700 so far. They're in a lot of different styles. I'm still trying things out. The inner brain of the software might be intelligent, but the user interface isn't very well designed. Getting the pictures I want is a matter of trial and error.

The pictures I've posted so far are all cartoon-ish, i.e. they aren't photorealistic. The software that I'm using is also capable of creating photorealistic images. I've generated about 50 images of young African women, and while the results are pleasant, they're not my taste. If I wanted photorealistic images, I would use a camera. I initially intended to post a few examples, but they might cause offence. so I've decided against it. The pictures I've created are nude, whether or not I instructed the software to draw nude women.

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