Friday 28 April 2023

Emmanuelle in Space: The Meaning of Love (2 Stars)

This is the sixth and final film in the "Emmanuelle in Space" series. It's a weak ending to an otherwise enjoyable hexalogy. In the film Tasha is writing a report of what she discovered on Earth, and the aliens sit discussing their experiences. This gives the film the format of an anthology. The film is divided into three acts, easily distinguished by the beginning of new conversations, but the content of the three acts overlaps.

Act 1: Tasha's Report and Discussions

Tasha is writing a report about her experiences on Earth, in particular her experiences in the third film. We see short excerpts of her erotic adventures. Emmanuelle and Haffron sit with her to talk about her report. Haffron's words lead to more excerpts from the previous films. I found this annoying when I was watching the film. I spent more time trying to remember which films the excerpts came from than actually enjoying the sex scenes. Even so, it was difficult to enjoy them. They were spoilt by annoying voiceovers.

Interestingly, there were also new scenes, obviously outtakes from the previous films. Most of them involved Haffron. There was a scene that showed Haffron's first meeting with Emmanuelle, which should have been included in the first film. We see him mostly with other women, not Emmanuelle herself. It's also amusing to see a scene of Haffron and the slave girls from the fifth film. It's a highly erotic scene, but it makes no sense in the chronology of the adventures n Earth.

Emmanuelle and Haffron

Act 2: Flashbacks and Fantasies

Tasha sits having fantasies about her time on Earth. She wishes that she had acted differently in some situations. Emmanuelle uses an alien headset to enter her mind and enjoy the fantasies with her.

Kara has a fantasy about having sex with Haffron in the ship, surrounded by the other aliens. This is the best new scene in the film.

Theo talks to Emmanuelle about his experiences on Earth, and scenes from the first film are shown.

In the previous films the aliens look out of the window at Earth. In this film we see other planets. Where are they going? It's not clear. But Emmanuelle says that it's time for her to leave the aliens and return to Earth.

Emmanuelle and Theo

Act 3: Raymond's adventures

In this act we see reports of the adventures of Haffron and Raymond on Earth. The flashbacks to Haffron's adventures are taken from the second film and the fourth film. Raymond's adventures are all new, because we've never seen him having sex on Earth. The two men talk about jealousy. The subject was already discussed in the fourth film, when Emmanuelle claimed that jealousy is a natural result of being in love, but here it's discussed in more detail.

The aliens have said on several occasions that Earth is the only planet where the inhabitants wage war and kill one another. Emmanuelle says that jealousy is the cause of war, and so wars only take place because of love. That's a controversial viewpoint.

The aliens invite Emmanuelle to return with them to their planet. They say she'll have to change her appearance, because the human shape looks terrifying to their people. In the fourth film Emmanuelle said that she didn't even want to look like another woman, so it's obvious that she doesn't want to look like a lizard. She says that she'll be sad not to see Haffron again, but she has to return to Earth.

She's transmitted to a pier overlooking a beautiful beach. I'm curious where it is. It must be either in France or Ireland, the two filming locations of the series. On the pier she sees a man who looks identical to Haffron, and they become lovers.

This is an unsatisfying conclusion to the series for two reasons. First, it's so artificial. How could a man who looks identical to Haffron be on the pier as a pure coincidence? Secondly, it contradicts everything that Emmanuelle taught the aliens, especially Haffron. She always told them that love is about what's inside, not the appearance.

Farewell to the aliens.

I'll miss them all, especially Theo.

I'll miss Emmanuelle as well, but at least Krista Allen is still on Earth.

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