Thursday 13 April 2023

The Hills have Thighs (4 Stars)

This is a delightful film written and directed by Jim Wynorski. It was made for television, and subsequent DVD releases were all limited editions and hard to find. This week it was finally released on Blu-ray. I've ordered the Blu-ray and I'm still waiting for it to arrive, but I couldn't resist watching it while I'm waiting. I shan't write too much about it today. I'll wait for the Blu-ray to arrive.

The film takes place in the South Texas Hill Country, an area I know almost nothing about. I always thought Texas was a hot part of the country, but the characters complain about the cold, and snow is visible on the mountaintops. The area was used for nuclear tests. This has led to terrible mutations. The area is populated by busty women with the intelligence of prehistoric cave women. They can't talk, they can only grunt. Bill is hiking in the area, and he's captured by the women. They keep him as a sex slave, forcing him to have sex with them every day.

A month later his friends set out to find him. Does he really need rescuing? Without help he'll eventually die of exhaustion, but is that really so bad? I can't think of a better way to die.

This is a bawdy romp with ten sex scenes in 70 minutes. It's what Jim Wynorski does best. He should make less films about giant sharks and more films about giant breasts.

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