Monday 17 April 2023

Masha and the Bear 2.1.2 - Swept Away

This episode was first broadcast on 9th June 2013.

Masha and the rabbit are playing hockey in the forest. With the squirrel as referee we can be sure of a fair game.

Or maybe not. The rabbit is terrified when Masha hits him.

The squirrel does his best to keep the match under control.

The puck is knocked out of the field. When Masha goes to fetch it she finds a broomstick.

It's better for playing than her hockey stick. She scores goal after goal, accidentally knocking the rabbit off his feet. In the end she walks away victorious.

She puts the broomstick between her legs, and wow! She can fly!

As I've said in the past, she's a natural circus artist. She can lie on the broom.

She can stand on it.

She  can even stand on one foot. She needs to show Bear her tricks.

Bear is sleeping. Bears sleep a lot, even when they're not hibernating.

Masha pokes him on the nose with a stick.

Bear looks out of the window to see who's bothering him.

He's sure that it's Masha, but he can't see her anywhere.

Bear chases her, outdoors and indoors, but he can't catch her. All that happens is that he knocks over his bookcase, so he gives up. Masha is flying round the house, but then she sees him reading a book.

By the way he's reacting, it must be something bad.

Masha has to see the book for herself.

It's a book about evil witches and their broomsticks.

The witches sure are ugly. Masha doesn't want to end up like that.

Masha jumps off the broom and walks away.

But the broom won't leave her alone. It keeps pushing itself between her legs and lifting her up. Poor Masha. Is it her destiny to become an ugly evil witch?

There's a noise outside. A flock of broomsticks is flying overhead.

They're flying directly over Bear's house, searching for the lost stick.

Masha's broom flies out of the window to join the flock.

Is "flock" the right word? It's a flock of sheep, a herd of bulls and a pride of lions, but I've never been told what a group of flying broomsticks is called. My guess is that it's a flock, because it's also a flock of seagulls.

Masha swears that she'll never jump on a broomstick again. Good girl!

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