Tuesday 20 September 2022

Employee of the Month (4 Stars)

This is the 25th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

"Employee of the Month" is a dark comedy about the inequality of men and women in the workplace. Ines (the woman in purple) has been working for EcoClean for 17 years as a legal expert. Melody (the woman in orange) is an unpaid intern on her first day in the office. Ines feels unappreciated. After 17 years she still earns significantly less than her male colleagues. When she speaks to her boss he tells her that he'd love to give her equal pay, but it's not in the budget, so she'll have to wait a few more years. In addition to this, her colleagues don't respect her. They expect her to make them coffee and buy new toilet paper. Melody, on the other hand, has no respect at all for the company. She's just getting work experience, and she'll leave as soon as possible.

This is the day when Ines decides to become more assertive. She won't leave her boss's room until he gives her a raise. He asks her to perform a sexual act to make him more generous. There's an accident, and he dies, his head pierced by a Boss of the Year award. Melody is the only witness. Another colleague discovers the body, so he's shot to keep him quiet. One by one Ines and Melody kill their colleagues, some deliberately, some accidentally.

This is a hilarious film, the funniest film at the festival so far. It also has an important message: Girl Power!

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