Saturday 17 September 2022

La Huesera (3 Stars)

This is the 12th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

The film takes place in Mexico. Valeria used to be a wild girl. She listened to punk music, she drank a lot of whiskey, and she considered herself a lesbian. But as she grew older she wanted to have a baby and a normal family. She married a loving man, and after some time she became pregnant. Unfortunately, there are several problems in the pregnancy. Valeria isn't eating enough, so she's losing weight instead of gaining. She misses her old lifestyle, so she sneaks away from home to have sex with her old girlfriend. The biggest problem is the feeling that some sort of supernatural force is trying to take control of her unborn baby. Her mother says that there's a Huesera (a Catholic faith healer who uses voodoo) who can cure her, but she warns her that this might put her in contact with even worse supernatural forces.

The film has the feeling of a fairy tale, despite the adult subject matter. It's easy viewing, a pleasant little story, but it's not worth watching more than once.

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