Thursday 22 September 2022

Masha and the Bear 1.2.2 - Prances With Wolves

This episode was first broadcast on 15th March 2009.

In the episode "Don't wake till spring" we saw Bear sharing a meal with a wolf. In this episode we see that there are two wolves the forest. They live in an ambulance on top of a hill. There's a dichotomy about them. They're predators, but they've also paramedics responsible for healing the inhabitants of the forest.

The wolves are always hungry.

They spot a victim walking through the forest: Masha! She doesn't notice a thing. Will she be their next meal?

No. Masha walks into Bear's house, and the wolves know better than to challenge a bear.

Bear has got a full fridge. It makes my mouth water just looking at it.

Not only me. The sight of the food excites the wolves as well. So they make a plan. They capture Masha when she leaves the house...

... and they leave a ransom note: they'll return Masha in exchange for the food.

Bear has never laughed so much. He's glad that Masha is gone.

So the wolves are stuck with Masha. She doesn't feel afraid at all. She finds a nurse's uniform in the ambulance, and she puts it on to play. The wolves are her patients.

"Open your mouth and say Aaah!"

"Let me test your reflexes. It won't hurt... much!"

"Now you need a big injection!"

I think that Masha is the cutest nurse I've ever seen, but the wolves are terrified of her.

Eventually Masha falls asleep in the ambulance.

The poor wolves have to sleep outside. They've been kicked out of their own home.

Masha wakes up early in the morning, and she's ready to carry on playing. She could do a lot of harm with that thermometer.

There's only one solution. The wolves carry Masha back to Bear's house and run as fast as they can before she can follow them.

And they all lived happily ever after. Or at least until the next episode!

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