Sunday 4 September 2022

The Princess (4 Stars)

This is a recent documentary that was first broadcast on German television four days ago to commemorate the death of Princess Diana. Today I watched it on the ARD Mediathek, the streaming service for recent broadcasts. It follows her life from her engagement to Prince Charles to her death.

I didn't learn anything new from the documentary. I'm well informed with the facts about her life, because I was fascinated by her ever since Charles began to date her. I watched her fairy tale wedding on television. I followed the news reports of infidelity by both married partners, up until the day they were divorced.

I don't intend to talk in detail about her life. If you don't know about her already, you must have been hiding under a rock for the last 40 years. All I'll say is that she was a beautiful young woman who didn't know what she was getting herself into. In the past, members of royal families always married members of other royal families. The husband and wife were both accustomed to royalty, so they knew what to expect after the wedding. Diana didn't. Despite coming from a wealthy family, she lived a quiet life. Nobody outside of her family and friends payed any attention to her. Then she married the future King of England, and she became a celebrity overnight. Everybody wanted to photograph her, and everyone wanted to write about her slightest mistakes.

Marrying a prince isn't like marrying a butcher or a baker. When you marry a prince you're taking on a career that you're committed to for the rest of your life. I don't believe Diana was capable of fulfilling the obligations of this career. I don't even think she was aware of the responsibilities awaiting her. She was a starry eyed young girl in love. Her marriage was doomed to failure, even if Charles had remained faithful to her.

I'm in an awkward position, as far as the British monarchy goes. I'm pro-monarchy, but I'm anti-Charles. I see monarchy as a good system, in principle, but I don't think that Charles will be a good King. He's too arrogant and opinionated. For those of my readers who are anti-monarchy, consider the following: what would have happened if Queen Elisabeth had been the absolute ruler of Britain for the last 70 years? There would have been no Margaret Thatcher, no Tony Blair and no Boris Johnson (to name but three prime ministers). Surrounded by political and financial advisers, the Queen would have led the country in ways of peace and prosperity. She would have been well loved by politicians throughout the world.

The problem is that not all monarchs are as benevolent as Queen Elisabeth. The only other benevolent monarch I can think of is Franz Joseph, the Emperor of Austria from 1848 to 1916. So maybe it would be more accurate to call myself anti-monarchy but pro-Elisabeth. Talk to me again when the next king takes over the throne from Elisabeth, if I live that long.

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