Wednesday 28 September 2022

Masha and the Bear 1.3.2 - Watch Out!

This episode was first broadcast on 27th March 2011.

Bear is lying outside his house with a tree on his head. Masha and the rabbit drag Bear inside, where they wake him up. Bear is still in a daze and can't clearly remember what happened. Masha tells him that she arrived at his house and found him driving a snowmobile around his house like a madman. He drove into a tree and knocked it over.

Bear thinks that more must have happened, so he asks Masha for more details. She says that he built the snowmobile himself. Then he drove the snowmobile around his house to scoop up snow and make snowmen. When he went back into his house Masha arrived and rode away on the snowmobile. She was out of control, so he had to chase her on skis. He jumped onto the snowmobile and steered it while Masha was driving. Back at Bear's house, Masha crashed the snowmobile into a tree.

Bear asks the rabbit if Masha's story is true. The rabbit tells the story from his perspective, telling of Masha's recklessness. Bear punishes Masha by making her stand in the corner.

Bear is a true hero. The ambulance belonging to the wolves was pushed into deep snow by Masha in the snowmobile...

... so Bear pulls it back up the hill.

I'll be honest. This is the weakest episode so far. It's an interesting idea to have two (or three) versions of the same events, but it doesn't work well in this episode. The second and third versions of the story are too similar. It would have been better with only two stories, with Masha and the rabbit telling stories that greatly differed.

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