Friday 30 September 2022

Masha and the Bear 1.3.3 - Home Alone

This episode was first broadcast on 28th December 2011.

It's Christmas again. Does that mean it's been a whole year since it was Christmas in episode 1.1.3? Maybe, maybe not. It's another year, but Masha hasn't grown. We can't strictly follow the chronology in the episodes. As the series continues we'll see a lot of Christmas stories. It's best to enjoy each episode in itself, without trying to work out when they happened in connection with one another.

Masha doesn't even know it's Christmas until she sees the Christmas tree decorated by the animals who live with her, the pig, the dog and the goat. Sometimes they're called her pets, but I don't think that's a correct description of their role. They live with her as equals. It's a fairy tale, after all.

Masha's first thought is that she should wake up Bear and tell him it's Christmas.

But Bear isn't asleep. I keep telling my readers that bears don't hibernate. He's already decorated his house for Christmas, but he wants to spend Christmas alone this year. It's not because he's sad. He wants to spend time reflecting on his past life.

Bear picks up a special ornament, bigger than the other decorations.

Bear looks in the ornament and sees his reflection.

Then he sees his reflection as a child. Is it his imagination or magic? I like to think it's a bit of both.

Wasn't he a cute little bear!

He remembers decorating the Christmas tree with his father.

The ornament is special because it belonged to his father, who's long gone.

Bear wants to stay at home alone this Christmas thinking about his father.

There's only one problem: Masha! She arrives and hammers on the door, thinking she has to wake him up.

Bear does the only thing he can to get rid of her. He quickly hides his Christmas decorations, then he puts on a nightgown and pretends that he's just got out of bed. Maybe bears don't hibernate, but sometimes it's convenient to let people think they do.

Bear goes back to bed. Masha wants to look for Christmas decorations, but she falls into Bear's magic hat and comes out in a clown costume.

She looks cuter than ever!

Masha puts on the hat and leaves. If she can't celebrate Christmas with Bear she needs to do it somewhere else.

The wolves are celebrating Christmas, decorating their tree with empty food cans.

Masha pulls a stuffed bunny out of the hat as a Christmas present. They love it!

The squirrels are decorating their Christmas tree with mushrooms.

Masha pulls a nutcracker out of the hat for the squirrels. It's just what they wanted.

Back home at the railway station Masha pulls a pretty pink snow scooter out of the hat for herself. Don't worry, it's not as dangerous as the snowmobile in the last episode,

The dog gets a tambourine.

The pig gets a guitar.

And the goat gets an accordion.

Now they're equipped to play a stirring rendition of "The Novichok Blues".

Just when Masha thinks the hat is empty, she finds one last Christmas present: a watering can. It's the perfect gift for Bear to water his flowers.

But there's trouble back at Bear's house. After Masha left he wanted to decorate his tree again, but he dropped the decorations and broke them.

Luckily, his most important ornament has survived.

Masha arrives with her animals and gives Bear his Christmas present.

Bear waters his broken Christmas tree.

But look! The watering can is magic. The tree is immediately restored.

Bear only has one decoration for the tree, his sentimental old bauble, but when he puts it on the tree decorations fly out of the hat to cover the tree.

Bear wanted to spend Christmas home alone, but now he's happy to be with Masha.

When Bear looks into his favourite ornament, he sees himself with his father and Santa Claus. This is his best Christmas ever.

This is a heart-warmingly beautiful episode, so much better than the previous episode. Christmas is a time to spend with friends and family, but it's also a time to think about your lost loved ones.

Song about Lonely Holiday

Christmas season is the reason
Why I'm home alone and why
I'm inviting to my party
Only me, myself and I.

I can choose the best of seats,
Play my favorite games and toys
And eat delicious snacks and treats,
That's the spirit I rejoice in.

It's not very jolly merry
To spend Christmas all alone.
You would be sad and would feel bad,
And the cause for this is known.

Even with the tallest tree,
Ornaments and decorations,
It can be no joy, you see,
No friends means no celebrations.

When our buddies come to party,
Smile and laugh, sing, dance and play,
When we're caring and we're sharing,
That's a happy holiday.

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