Friday 20 May 2022

Klaus Schulze: Kontinuum (2007)

Klaus Schulze - Kontinuum

KS Album 48

Track Listing:

1. Sequenzer (from 70 to 07) 24:54
2. Euro Caravan 19:41
3. Thor (Thunder) 31:47

Rating: 5 Stars

This is the 48th solo album recorded by Klaus Schulze. The three tracks are distinct pieces of music, but they're edited to run into one another.

The title of the first track could just as well be the album's title. Klaus Schulze used sequencers heavily in his early music, especially his live performances, and now he's returning to his roots. All three tracks use sequencers, even though the sequencer is in the background on the third track. 70 refers to his first recordings with electronic machines, and 07 is the year 2007. To be fair, I don't think he used sequencers in 1970. He probably started round about 1975. Please write a comment if I'm wrong.

After a series of average albums, Klaus has finally made another masterpiece. He's proved that he still has it in him.

The liner notes by KDM (usually written in small letters as kdm) are interesting. He writes that he's not a fan of Klaus Schulze, he's a friend and a critical partner. There are some albums that KDM doesn't like, and he tells Klaus openly. He doesn't name any of the albums he doesn't like; that would be interesting. But what he does say is that the albums he likes the most are the pure solo albums that Klaus made without any other musicians. I agree with that statement in part. Klaus has made excellent albums accompanied by musicians like Harald Grosskopf and Wolfgang Tiepold, but the albums I like the least almost always have guest musicians. When I've finished reviewing his albums – and there are a lot to go – I'll put them all in a spreadsheet along with my ratings, to see if there's any statistical significant relationship between the use of guest musicians and the quality.

"Kontinuum" is now out of print.

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