Tuesday 31 May 2022

Lifeforce (4 Stars)

I watched this film in February this year. I mentioned in my review that the Blu-ray disc contains a director's cut. Since then I've read that it probably isn't a director's cut at all, it's just a longer version; 14 minutes longer, to be precise. It's no longer possible to figure out exactly what happened in 1985, when the film was first released, but it seems like the longer version was in the cinemas first, and then it was replaced by the shorter version.

Knowing this, I was interested in seeing if the shorter version is in any way censored. That isn't the case. "Lifeforce" has a lot of nudity in both versions. Most of the changes are cosmetic, shortening conversations to make the film run faster. The only thing that stands out is that the kisses are shortened, which I find regrettable. They're relevant, because the female alien sucks the life force out of her victims by kissing them.

Just one more kiss?

Beautiful! The best kiss he's ever had.

But he regretted it afterwards.

The moral of the story is never kiss a naked alien.

If you want to know more about the film, click here to read my original review.

Success Rate:  - 2.2

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