Tuesday 3 May 2022

Hospital Day 19

This photo has nothing to do with my hospital, except that it's a screensht from a video I was watching yesterday. Can anyone recognise the girl? If so, please leave a comment below this post.

I slept for four hours last night, from 1:30 am to 5:30 am. That seems to be the standard length of my sleep this week. Shortly after six o'clock a nurse came to me and told me I would be given a bronchoscopy today. She dressed me in one of those operation gowns, or whatever they're called. I mean those silly robes bound at the back with my bottom hanging out. Who designed those horrible things?

I was rolled downstairs in my bed shortly before 8 o'clock. The machine looked bigger than last time. I was told that it was a different type of bronchoscopy, fixed instead of flexible, but it looked like a completely different machine. I kept my eye on the clock. The anaesthetics knocked me out at 9:15 am, and I woke up at 10:15 am. My throat was very sore, and I coughed a lot for the next half hour. When I got back to my room, I was told that it would take a week for the laboratory to return the results of the bronchoscopy. A whole week? That's ridiculous! The doctor said I could probably go home tomorrow to wait for the results. After that I'll either be treated as an out-patient or re-admitted into hospital, depending on the results. That's good news. I can't put up with hospital any more. Every day the same routine: they measure my blood pressure, they measure my blood sugar, they measure my pulse, and worst of all they take a blood sample. I still don't understand why they need to take blood every day. What does my blood look like today that's different from yesterday and the day before?

About two hours later the doctor returned and told me my liver needs to be examined by ultrasound. Supposedly my liver values have been high (whatever that means) since I was admitted into hospital three weeks ago. Strange, today is the first time anyone has mentioned anything. She said I would be given the ultrasound in the afternoon, and the results of the ultrasound would decide whether I can go home tomorrow.

At 3 pm I was finally taken to my ultrasound examination. The doctor who did the examination told me that there are no visible problems. The only thing he said is that I should lose weight. So does that mean I can go home tomorrow? We'll see. I've been told things like that before.

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